Product Reference
Nobody knows SWARCO McCain products like us, so we’ve gathered up-to-date and helpful product reference material to make your user experience even better. Access information like product FAQs and troubleshooting worksheets.
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Video: PMU Features, Configuration, and Data Log
This quick 12-minute video provides viewers a better understanding of APC's Power Management Unit (PMU) utilized to power SWARCO McCain's low-voltage ATC Cabinets. Items covered include a brief features overview, and a more extensive look at configuration and data log notifications.

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ATC Cabinet Test and Diagnosis Sheet
The ATC Cabinet Test and Diagnosis Sheet helps ATC Cabinet users interpret switches and component indicators by providing an outline for switch and component status for multiple conditions.

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ATC Cabinet Phase Assignments
The ATC Cabinet Phase Assignments helps ATC Cabinet users identify the default phase assignments for a 16-channel output assembly. The document outlines phase, overlap, and pedestrian assignments, CMU channel assignments, and much more.

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ATC Cabinet FAQ
Combining the best of rack mount and serial-based designs with modern technology, the ATC Cabinet series delivers a number of advantages. To help you better understand these new features, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions for this innovative new cabinet.

Cabinet Comparison
With so many cabinet options – 107/2070, ITS, NEMA, LX, and ATC Cabinets – how do you know which is best?
Check out the Cabinet Comparison Matrix to easily compare cabinet features, assemblies, and other characteristics in one place.