2042 Ramp Meter Software
2042 Ramp Meter Software provides users an easy-to-use means of controlling traffic on freeway entrance ramps. Compatible with 2070 controllers, the software is capable of handling a variety of ramp configurations. When used in conjunction with mainline vehicle detectors, the software has proven to optimize traffic flow and enable freeway systems to accommodate larger traffic volumes.
- Configure virtually any ramp meter with ease
- Optimize ramp meter wait times and freeway speeds
- Configure by time-of-day or in response to demand
- Collect vehicle data including volume, occupancy, and speed
- Integrate with central management software
- Utilize with standard, off-the-shelf 2070 controllers
Standard Features
Metered Lane Sequencing Modes
- Mutually exclusive
- Free running
- Fixed green offset
Detector Failure Modes
- Erratic count
- Maximum presence
- No activity
- Control manually, remotely, or according to schedule
- Four time-of-day schedules with 16 events each
- Holiday schedules enabled by date, day of week, or week of month
Operation Modes
- Manual mode
- Fixed rate
- Traffic responsive
Warning Beacons
- Integrate with blank-out signs
- Steady or flashing outputs
Feedback Displays
- Real-time screens display status of all operational parameters
- Operational mode, signal interval, control source, current metering level and rate for each ramp lane
- Volume, occupancy, and speed for each mainline lane
- Status of all field I/O pins
- Status of all ramp and mainline detectors
Communication Protocols
- QuicComm™
- AB3418
- RS-232
- IP
- 2070 controllers
- 2070 NEMA controllers (with 2070-8 base)
Service & Support
Ongoing support packages are available to ensure that you always have the latest software version. Contact your McCain representative for more details.
SWARCO McCain, Inc. reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. For the most up-to-date information, please contact SWARCO McCain.